Something new to the mix...
"What is it you exactly do?" is a question I'm asked on a day-to-day basis, so i thought it was only right that my first blog should give you an insight into Social Media Queen.
The long and short of it is that i manage local businesses of Brighton's social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. Whether you like social media or not, the majority of your customers will spend almost 4 hours a day scrolling, liking, interacting and sharing your posts. I actually saw something earlier today on a friends Instagram and it was SO painfully true, it read...
"Remember when we used to say 'brb' all the time when we were online? We don't say it anymore. We no longer leave. We live here now."
Social city NEVER sleeps, and as the saying goes "If you can't beat them, join them!"
We don't have a choice on whether we do social media, the question is how well we do it. So that's where i come in! My clients range from tradesmen to high end fashion stores, showcasing their latest projects, collections, menus, treatments and so on..
Having a consistent social media presence and interacting with your customers gives them a virtual reflection of your brand, which gives brand recognition as well increasing customer retention and brand loyalty.
I design content such as pictures, videos and audios which i then uploaded onto my clients business pages. I get to know all of my clients personally and will speak to them often to always ensure we're on the same page, because whilst its great to look like a clean cut page, if it isn't personal to you then it will feel cold to your customers.
So there we have it... that's what i do... and the next person that asks me i can just direct them to this, my first ever blog!
Thanks for reading!